Being Too Busy

I haven’t written my blog for quite a while because of factors that crowded into my life, taking time from writing. I have missed it!

I did have a holiday during this time which made me think of the value of keeping in touch with old friends.  Spending time with one friend in England was great. We even managed a few days in London in June and saw part of the Queen’s celebratory flotilla come down the Thames. Just being in the crowds of people who were so happy and friendly was a delight. However, the damp day and rain was harder to be outside in. We had a full few days, going to Westminster Abbey,touring the Globe Theatre and getting used to the London bus routes. Each day was planned and we kept going,enjoying sharing a service at the Abbey and hearing musicians play in St Martin’s in the Field quite by accident. Those days were busy in the nicest way.

More often when I’m home, I find myself involved in visiting parishioners in hospital in between trying to keep up with the house and garden. I tend to get too involved and keep thinking I must learn to say ‘No.’ But my concern for others who are sick or in a residential home sends me out time and again. Maybe that happens to you as well.

Recently I had no choice when my knee started giving me trouble and it was nice to have an excuse to relax! I wrote letters to family and friends and read a good book. I am also going to take time to relax each day and take a little more time to pray. Then ,when I do get going, I might be more productive! I know that too much stress from commitments doesn’t help. I also realize that ,if I ever get round to writing my own story, I need to admit to faults about being too busy.

People who have influenced me for the Better

My mother and some of her brothers and sisters.
My mother and some of her brothers and sisters.

Having to write a sketch of someone in my life for a writers meeting, made me think of people who have directly influenced my own direction in life. I also looked up to some wonderful people who imitated Christ in the way they lived for other people. They  became my heroes, exemplifying the best way to leave one’s mark on the world.

I had several godly women in my life who set me an example of kindness to others, faith in God and especially loving one another. My mother was a busy shop owner who loved Jesus;  she always put us first in her thoughts.  She encouraged us at school, would not take “I can’t” for an answer and always told us to remember those who had been kind to us. Another dictum of hers was, “If it isn’t honest, helpful or kind, don’t say it.”  I don’t remember her ever being angry. If she was annoyed or upset, she sang a hymn until she felt better.

My mother had two lovely sisters who were more than kind to me and my brother. One gave us unconditional love and told silly stories; another was a teacher who showed us interesting ways to learn and develop a better vocabulary. She introduced me to the theatre and music, and took us to a Butlin’s Holiday Camp in 1947 geared to young children like us after teaching all year.Years later, I played games with our children in the car that my aunt had played with me. One great game is making up a quick sentence from letters on a car:so ACFG becomes ‘all children follow games’.

I also had another aunt who took us to Church, then Sunday School in Wales in wartime and encouraged us in our faith. Like my mother, she was a member of the Mother’s Union and she spent many hours helping with church outreach as well as bringing up my five cousins. But she always made time for us to have fun as teenagers too. She sang a song that is almost a motto for me; it is called “If I can help somebody, then my living will not be in vain.” My own life story would be incomplete without the example of such fine family members.  I believe anyone’s life story will reveal the  influence of close relatives.

I was fortunate to be part of a big loving family. My mother was the fifth child of eleven children and,because of circumstances in the 1930’s, her youngest brother came to live with us while I grew up. He was one of the kindest people I have ever known. He was always available to help my busy mother; he taught me to drive a car and how to play tennis well. My father suffered from arthritis and heart problems so, having a young uncle was an asset. My mother also had four bachelor brothers who lived in the family home where we lived during wartime. They had all started in the coal mines but two got out through having silicosis and were both drivers who refined my driving skills and my brother’s on very hilly Welsh mountain roads. Because they became adults during the depression, they had not married and their love for us was strong. Our oldest uncle was self educated and could quote poetry and  parts of Shakespeare’s plays. He also loved the stories of the author Walter Scott. Another uncle could tap dance and would join me to entertain the family while our other uncle who was involved as a hospital engineer had a good baritone voice  and showed us the value of learning to sing and enjoy singing together. I remember him singing with my auntie May when the war was over. They sang so well together and we all joined in in harmony. Those kinds of experiences are never forgotten and filled my childhood with joy, love and security. To this day, music is always a part of family gatherings with my cousins.

Outside my family there were others; good teachers who opened up literature  and history to me and, most of all my old music teacher. She was very demanding but showed appreciation for good lesson preparation. At her historic home in Canterbury, I discovered a different world full of music, theory, old pictures and wonderful recordings. My appreciation for classical music dates from my five years with Miss Bridge when I was at the Simon Langton grammar school.

Even people I read about and immediately admired have had an influence. One was the missionary Gladys Aylward who went to China; another was Dr.Albert Schweitzer, medical missionary in Africa and another, Elizabeth Fry, a prison reformer. They all sought to help others and I have tried to do the same in a small way. Jesus said he came to serve and He is certainly worth emulating. It is a blessings to help those who need support.

The Value of Letters and emails

Before throwing away Christmas cards, I re-read notes and especially enclosed Christmas letters and it got me thinking. Each year those of us who write more at Christmas include quite a bit about our family life and special events. They would be valuable to keep and use when writing our own life stories. One gentleman even writes a new poem each year; it says so much about his faith, his assessment of happenings during the year and his attitude to them.

As we get older we forget details. I know that the letters I write reveal certain highlights in detail- for example a family wedding or a child’s birth and how we responded. This year my cousin wrote in detail about a new home in Provence and why they’d moved there. Letters like that are invaluable so don’t lose them. Keep them in your computer file or just file a copy of interesting letters in printed form if you prefer.  You will be glad you did when you come to write.

These days the same can be said of emails. Some may be so detailed that you can tell how you felt when you wrote them. Don’t delete, keep and place them in that special “Memoir” file.

Jane Buttery- A writer who enjoys meeting people

There are many rewards in offering to write people’s life stories. I have discovered so much about how a person goes through all the events in his life and survives the many changes, strengthened by the struggles. I’ve learned history on a broad scale if the person was widely travelled or in the army and I’ve discovered interesting people in my own back yard as it were. Some were musicians, two soldiers and two others nurses- just to mention a few.

Writing for children has also given me great pleasure as I came to celebrate events where I live in Essex County, Ontario. I discovered through research that it is rich in history; it has an annual Harrow Fair that has lasted for 156 years now, a business that was set up in 1941 at Colasanti’s and a bird sanctuary over a hundred years old at Jack Miner’s in Kingsville. In addition the town of Amherstburg was one of the last stops on the Underground Railway so well worth exploring in a novel, An Unlikely Friendship 1846. As you can see I seek to educate as well as entertain children.

Take a look at my website please and sign the guest book. I’d love to have your comments and insights. Anyone signing the guest book and contacting me has a chance at a free book under $8.00 (given away once a quarter year). It is at

I am a retired teacher with a strong faith so I am now a lay reader and pastoral care visitor for my church. I’ve also volunteered at the Hospice of Windsor and Essex County for 20 years.I  love music and I’ve written 46 Songs of Joy and used music in two of my books. I facilitate workshops for schools and groups – write to me for details of fees through my website. I look forward to being of service to you.