Enjoying Children’s Successes

For  months our grand-daughter was part of a dance group at school practising for a competition in Niagara Falls. She never said much about it except that there were lots of steps to learn. Sometimes she’d be pleased and another time frustrated as they didn’t know what they’d wear till the last week. We kept hoping we could see the dances but we were put off.

Last weekend the girls went off to compete for three days. When they came back , they had good news. They had won one first and a second position in the competition. We were all thrilled that their long months of practice had paid off. In addition our grand daughter left at age fourteen and returned on her fifteenth birthday. I think she will never forget this birthday in 2015 and the joy she had being part of the dance group.

We were all able to share her joy on her return and now we know we are going to see their performance in June. It is not only rewarding for Mayia and her friends but also for the school teacher who put in so many extra hours teaching them. It is so good to be able to rejoice in children’s successes.

I remember my own brother getting first prize for his singing as a boy soprano and later much success as a tenor singing as Feste in Twelfth Night. We were all so proud of him then. My parents were equally proud of our academic achievements because they saw a future for us both. My brother eventually became a doctor and I went on to teach. We knew it gave us a good life and my mother’s hard work and encouragement in particular helped to make it happen.

Taking joy in our children’s success is natural and heart warming for them.I am sure you will have experienced times like that in your life. Please share them if you can.




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