Being Too Busy

I haven’t written my blog for quite a while because of factors that crowded into my life, taking time from writing. I have missed it!

I did have a holiday during this time which made me think of the value of keeping in touch with old friends.  Spending time with one friend in England was great. We even managed a few days in London in June and saw part of the Queen’s celebratory flotilla come down the Thames. Just being in the crowds of people who were so happy and friendly was a delight. However, the damp day and rain was harder to be outside in. We had a full few days, going to Westminster Abbey,touring the Globe Theatre and getting used to the London bus routes. Each day was planned and we kept going,enjoying sharing a service at the Abbey and hearing musicians play in St Martin’s in the Field quite by accident. Those days were busy in the nicest way.

More often when I’m home, I find myself involved in visiting parishioners in hospital in between trying to keep up with the house and garden. I tend to get too involved and keep thinking I must learn to say ‘No.’ But my concern for others who are sick or in a residential home sends me out time and again. Maybe that happens to you as well.

Recently I had no choice when my knee started giving me trouble and it was nice to have an excuse to relax! I wrote letters to family and friends and read a good book. I am also going to take time to relax each day and take a little more time to pray. Then ,when I do get going, I might be more productive! I know that too much stress from commitments doesn’t help. I also realize that ,if I ever get round to writing my own story, I need to admit to faults about being too busy.

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